Thursday, January 27, 2005

Politics Anyone?

I hear from friends and foes that they don't like politics; they don't have a care for them, they think it's just a bunch of fat white men spending our dollars on crap that is useless while smoking cigars, right? WRONG! Politics is all about how you are going to spend your life; how your mother, your father, brother, sister, son, daughter, aunt, uncle are going to live now, and in the future! Politics is as important as breathing! So it's astonishing when I hear people say they don't care about politics; you are basically saying that you don't care what the people in charge are doing, you couldn't care less if they passed a law that states that you have to wear pink every other Thursday or you will be thrown in jail (over-exaggeration I know) but you see my point, right?

I come from a right-wing conservative view that is based on my religion, Christianity. So, this means that my political view is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, same as our country's forefathers. And yet, I know some liberal people whose views are based on a worldly premonition, and, as a result, conflict does arise. I want you all to know that just because I might disagree and protest their views; it does not mean that I expect them to stop exercising their American rights. To the contrary, I ask everyone to exercise their rights; their rights to take a stand, be active. Don't just say that you are for or against something, or someone-- be involved with your politics! Vote, sign petitions, hold protests, or even protest the protestors, just do something! Just because you don't have an interest in politics doesn't mean the politicians don't have an interest in you. If you see me out there protesting your viewpoint, know that I'm exercising my right to protest and even though I don't agree with you, that's all right! That is what makes America great! Just remember, that throughout history, though the wrong may stand for a short time, good will always triumph. When all is said and done, those who were right will know that they were because they will be the victors.


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