Thursday, January 27, 2005

Athiest or Agnostic?

I was on a discussion forum where the topic was atheism, and they were basically complaining that Christians need to stop talking to others about God and not bother those who don't think there is a God, or don't want to worship Him. But one topic made me think; a Christian on the forum wrote that you cannot know absolutely anything, you can't. If you did you would know every thought of every person ever born; you would know the amount of sand on all the beaches on this Earth, you would know all. Well, since humans can't know everything then you can't know for a fact that there is no God, and because of this, it suggests that atheism is false, and impossible, atheists are really agnostics. Atheists believe that there is no God, and agnostics believe that there isn't sufficient proof to support there being a God or not. But an atheist argued that: "well, you cannot know for a fact that there is a God." My conclusion to this person is that they're wrong. There is sufficient evidence that supports a God, and not enough for there not to be a God. Look at it this way, how does the court prosecutor know whether or not the defendant is innocent or guilty since they weren't there at the crime? They're basing their case on evidence that suggests that the defendant is guilty, whether or not there is a witness or not. The courts ask for the jury to make a decision based on the evidence at hand, so it's up to the jury to believe that evidence. Sadly we are the jury who has put God on trial, except that God is innocent and wrongly accused. This can also be said for Christ Jesus being that God; there is enough evidence including witness testimony that there isn't only just a God, but he is Jesus Christ. To deny God is to deny the evidence, unless you don't believe the evidence and then you are a fool. I honestly believe that everyone believes in God, but due to sin they deny Him and his existence. I feel sad for these people because they are missing out on His Joy, Peace, and Majesty. And I am even sadder to think that when they leave this Earth they will be permanently separated from God, which is the worst thing ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You posted those two blogs within 2 minutes of each other, you must write really fast.

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are wrong a person will only be seperated from god if he or she leads a wrong life. a person does not become evil by not believing in god, they become evil by their deeds. let me ask u somethin if a person does beleive in god but does bad things in life, would that person have more chances of reaching god than a person who doesnt believe in god but is a very good human being. if that is the case then that would make god petty, how can he turn away from people simply because they did not believe in him. after all wouldn't god want us to be better human beings rather than worry about us becoming athiests. let me remind u that god judges us on our actions not on our beliefs, so please dont criticise athiests for expressing their beliefs. they may be good people on the inside, i know alot of athiests who are good people, and i am very aware of alot of religous people who i see as sometimes racist and cynical.

p.s i suggest u do alot of research on bhagat singh - a legendary freedom fighter who died to save his country from tyranny. he was an athiest, but still a great and courageuos human being. he also wrote an interesting piece called "why i am an athiest" u shud read it.

4:42 AM  

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