Thursday, April 14, 2005

Zero Tolerance Gone To Far


Last month in Salem, Oregon, a student at McKay High School brought a photo to post on the bulletin board for an assignment. The assignment was to show McKay graduates at work and what they do. However, the principal of the school, Cynthia Richardson, would not allow the picture. Why? Because the photo was of a U.S. Marine holding his rifles. But the rifle in the photo violated the school's zero tolerance policy on weapons, even though the school's mascot carries a sword. When this was brought to the attention of the principal, she said, "We might have to revisit that." Now the school is offering to post the photo with the rifle digitally removed, but the family says that's not enough. "It's not just a picture in dress blues. It is a picture of real life and there are guns. And he just wants everyone to know that the war is still going on and it's real life," the sister said in response.

Guns are what won us our freedom, but what I don't get is that now they are being taught as something evil and violent. I was in NJROTC in high school, and we carried non-operational rifles. And after I left they started an air rifle team; weapons were taught in our curriculum. I don't think us marching around with rifles suggested to anyone to go postal. So I don't think few Marines showing the tools of the trade are any worse than cadets marching with rifles and swords. I do understand that the youth of today are much more unstable than before, that's why I call it a flawed society, but the answer to it all isn't going PC, we have to help these kids, not just remove what we think might remotely be an issue. My high school mascot was the Patriot, and the year after I graduated the school officially removed the musket from his hands in the image, that made me so mad!!! With out the musket the colonists were subjects. They are ‘wussifing' our youth by changing our history and brainwashing; it's very disturbing. Gun's used to be taught by the father to his son's (and daughters) from a young age. And from there if they were fortunate enough to go to a good school they could continue this American tradition of this fine sport. It wasn't until recently that guns have become an issue. Why? I honestly believe that there are those who want for the U.S. to fall and the only way to do so is to remove our way of defense. It won't happen in my generation, but possibly my children's time, they will be brainwashed into thinking that guns are so bad to the point that they will give them up; thus allowing for them to be taken over. This is sad, this country is so messed up that something which is a part of our history is now not allowed in our schools. If they are going this far then shouldn't they remove all the pictures and references to weapons in the history books? "WWII was won with, um…love?"


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