Friday, September 30, 2005

Prop. 75

Here in California we are about to have a special election in November. There are 8 propositions (73-80) on the ballot, I am going to talk about one of them today.

Proposition 75: Public Employee Union Dues. Restrictions on Political Contributions. Employee Consent Requirement

Prohibits using public employee union dues for political contributions without individual employees' prior consent. Excludes contributions benefiting charities or employees. Requires unions to maintain and, upon request, report member political contributions to Fair Political Practices Commission.

My intake on this is that this is a law whose time has come. How dare these unions use employee’s money to fund political agendas other than the employees! I know someone close to me who works for the public school system and I know that this person’s political beliefs aren’t what their unions is. For example the teacher unions in California are leftist Democrats and they encourage their employees to vote the same, but if you are a Republican you still are supporting the Democrat agenda by paying dues into the union with no control where the money goes. That is wrong!

Back in 2002 a man from Pennsylvania sued and won because he was paying dues to an education union that was supporting an agenda that he was against (homosexuality and opposing home schooling). With this law these things should not happen anymore. They will have to get the employees written consent to use their money for that purpose. That is how it should have been from the beginning but was not. I say vote YES on Prop 75.

For more information on this Proposition and others in California's special election you can go to:


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