Thursday, September 15, 2005

God Is Illegal

Wednesday (9/14/05) U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton in San Francisco ruled that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional due to its reference to God. Because of this a few schools in Northern California now are restricted from participating in this traditional morning routine.

Now you may be asking why "Under God" in the pledge so important? Answer: because our rights and powers as citizens and as Man come from our Creator: Jesus Christ, NOT the government! God gave us our basic rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And we form governments to protect these rights; saying "under God" acknowledges this. That is why our founding fathers drafted our constitution so that our government answers to the people, and the people to God. When the people infringe upon other people's rights then the government steps in and stops it. But when the government infringes upon the people's rights then the people have a right to step in and stop it, through a democratic process or a revolution.

Adding under God does not infringe on anyone's rights. No one is forced to say it, and if you don't believe in God that is your choice. But don't make others stop practicing their believes just cause you don't like it. God is the reason why our nation is so great and prosperous. He has blessed us above any other nation because we are a nation that recognizes Him as the one true God and we worship Him for that. But once we turn our back on Him, he no longer will be able to bless us. What happened in New Orleans and the surrounding areas is a prime example of his judgment; what happened there will be ten fold of His judgment for this decision. If you want for America to be here tomorrow for your children and grandchildren we MUST keep this a nation UDER GOD!


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