Wednesday, December 07, 2005

They have gone to far!

When I was a young boy my favorite game was 'war'. My friends and I would get together with our camouflage pants, army belt and toy guns and would pretend that we are in a battle doing our duty of defending our country. I remember it so vividly, we would take bunker in a tree house waiting for the attack, avoiding land minds (dog poop) and repeating phrases we heard in the movies. "Bravo flank left... Charlie in the tree!" And when we'd get bored we'd head in the house and take out our GI Joe's and continue the battle. Those were great times.

But those times are over. Today that innocence of youth wants to be stolen by PC groups who want nothing more than to turn our young boys into 'pink' wearing pansies. The anti-American group Code Pink is trying to remove what they concider 'pro-war propoganda' toys from store shelves. They say and I quote:

"Every holiday season manufactures prey on our children with pro-war propaganda disguised as innocent toys. Don't let your child be a victim of G.I. Joe! As you're out buying holiday gifts, make a point this year to show little ones that war is not game. Set an example for the children in your life and use the opportunity to teach them non-violence.

Dress up in awesome pink camouflage gear or wear a fun holiday costume like an elf and stand outside stores that sell war toys with anti-war toy banners reminding gift buyers to shop responsibly. Hand out flyer's to shoppers about why they shouldn't buy them and give them suggestions for alternative gifts they can purchase for the little ones in their lives.

Place "surgeon general-type" warning labels on war toys in the stores. Simple mailing labels that you can print off at home are perfect for this action. Use the samples below or get creative and design your own."

They think that if little Billy gets a GI Joe for Christmas (notice how they were being 'PC' by saying holiday) then he is going to grow up and become either A: a horribly violent rapist or B: might want to become a soldier and defend his country someday. I think they are more afraid of answer B.

This is beyond disturbing; I don't know what to say. Just when you thought the World couldn't get any worse it throws you a curve ball. I just think that these people really want to see the United States fall. To preserve a nation's sovereignty you must raise your children as Patriotic citizens who will be willing to fight someday for their freedom. If we teach our kids that all violence is bad, that war is bad, that fighting for your freedom is bad then the enemy has won and we might as well just raise our hands in the air now and wait for our execution. I don't believe that we have reached that point yet, but if there are groups out there like Code Pink who want to hurt America then it's not to far fetched to think that it someday could happen.

Oh, and just if you wanted to know whatever became of my friends who I used to play war with, they are all now serving their country in the Marines fighting so these 'Code Pukes' can protest. God Bless America!


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