Friday, February 04, 2005

"Fascist Watch"

So I got an email from the San Diego Progressive Movement's "Fascist Watch" regarding their efforts to stop Protest Warrior from inhibiting their freedom of speech. If you have not read the email, you can find it here, but I just had to laugh when I read it. What I found the most comical was their belief that we present a possible threat to non-colored people and non-Christians. Quote: While they have not demonstrated any openly racist behavior yet, their ultra-nationalism carries within it a potential threat to people of color and non-christians, especially Arabs and Muslims. Now my question is, how have we, (Protest Warrior), demonstrated in any form a potential threat to certain groups of people of color or religion? I don't think we have. My only conclusion is that they are trying to feed propaganda to their minions. No! They would never do that; say false truths to get their way! But alas, they have. It is my belief that they are trying to scare us into submissive silence; the exact same thing we are accused of. They don't like competition; they think they represent the entire world in their message. This is how they feel good and are able to sleep at night. But we all know the truth, these people were the same kids who, in elementary school, if didn't get the ball would run crying to the teacher.
My conclusion: I say, to these malcontented babies, that you do not scare us; you are the ones who are threatening people by crying that we cannot practice our rights to freedom of speech. Do not be afraid to practice in a peaceful respectful manner your freedom of speech by means of protest, but also don't inhibit the rights of those who oppose you.

*I have copied their message verbatim with no grammatical or spelling corrections.


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