Monday, May 23, 2005

Tyraid #1

Homosexuality- Homosexuality is an abomination upon the Lord God. He hates the act, but not the person. Though the person partaking in it is a sinner. Now don't think that I am a homophobe, or that I hate homosexuals, I'm not and I don't. To me homosexuality is an act; it is the willful act(s) of sexual and lustful gratification with someone of the same sex. We all have sexual feelings, that is so we procreate and continue our existence, but it is meant to be between a married Man and Woman. Now if you don't find someone of the opposite sex that is ok. We all have to have companionship with a close person, but if that person is someone of the same gender then that is all right, you are just friends.. But when you turn that innocent companionship into acts of homosexuality then you are in the wrong and have tainted that friendship. I am a male, and I have many male friends that I am close too, but I don't have the feelings that I do towards a woman with them because one, I am not programmed that way, and two I know it's a sin. The same goes for heterosexual (straight) people; it is a sin for man and woman to have sex out of wedlock. Those two are acting on their sexual and lustful needs, but are sinning because God has commanded us to wait until holy matrimony. With this said, it brings me to my second point: condemning homosexuality is not a hate crime, it can't be. I know a few people who are very close to me and I love that are homosexuals; I don't hate them. I hate the acts they do, not them themselves. I don't care if you are born a homosexual or heterosexual, when you act in a sinful manner you are sinning. I don't know how else to say it. But don't say that I hate you, I don't.

Anno Domini- As of recently the time stamp to signify the era in which a year took place (B.C., A.D.) is in the process of being converted to C.E. and B.C.E. Why? Because our liberal system is afraid to offend those of non-Christian beliefs or anyone that doesn't like things to stay the way they have been for 2000 years. A.D. stands for "Anno Domini", "the year of the Lord." And B.C. is "Before Christ". But now it is slowly changing to C.E.-Common Era (a.k.a. A.D.) and B.C.E.-Before Common Era (a.k.a B.C.). This is stupid, every documentation of every event in history before our Lord's birth was recorded in A.D. or B.C. And now, 2000 years later, afraid of offending a few people they want to go and change the system. Does this mean that we now should go and erase the A.D. in the Constitution and every legal document henceforth; wouldn't that be more P.C? This is ridiculous, come on people; grow some common sense, please!
(Please don't send me hate mail for this, right now I am venting and just want to complain, thanks.)

More to come...


Blogger Brendan Steinhauser said...

Very thoughtful post.

I agree that homosexuality is an immoral lifestyle, even from a secular point of view.

If everyone was homosexual, the species would be extinct. It cannot, therefore, be natural for humans of the same sex to act on homosexual feelings.

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all "Dan" it's obvious your the homosexual with your love of guns and your little flag waving wannabe patriot stance. You don't know the first thing about the constitution, you went to brainwashing public school or elitist ignorant school. You are ignorant of the new world order and how it is going to take your and everyones rights away, even little buttlickers like you. The Bush family doesnt give a fuck about this country and they dont give a fuck about servicemen. Look at all the soldiers who got cancer from depleted uranium shells being used by our cheapshit government to find something to do with all this depleted radioactive material. I hope fags like you get a good dose of radiation when your buddy Bush nukes southern california. I hope the breeze blows to escondido, (faggoty rich kid town) and causes you to glow green with radioactive fallout. Maybe then and only then will your big fat ignorant ranting mouth be shut. In the meantime heres some real wesbite kid. You need to find out whats really going on as opposed to what "you think is goin on". Cyah loser now shoot your fat self, but after you find out the truth. here goes!!

Anyone can shoot a gun you moron, I'm a member of the NRA and freedom fighter. Im not a conservative buttlicker like yourself. Grow up kid!

6:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yaaaaa hoooooo!!!!!!!! lets kill some more babies today !!!! God bless amerikka!!

6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The kkk took my baby away....."

Ramones....Brendan!! get home and give me a blowjob!!

6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damnitt Brendan stay out of my gay porn!! Im disowning you!!

6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dates on the Gregorian calendar AREN'T changing because of their Christian origins. AD and BC are not accurate because Jesus Christ wasn't born in 1 Anno Domini. Most scholars estimate that he was probably born closer to 4 BC. That means Jesus Christ was probably born 4 years Before Christ. See the problem? No Christian I know believes that Jesus was born 1 AD, so why are we calling it AD?

CE and BCE are more accurate than AD and BC, that's why they are being used.

11:36 AM  
Blogger ChairoNoMe9390k said...

Dates on the Gregorian calendar AREN'T changing because of their Christian origins. AD and BC are not accurate because Jesus Christ wasn't born in 1 Anno Domini. Most scholars estimate that he was probably born closer to 4 BC. That means Jesus Christ was probably born 4 years Before Christ. See the problem? No Christian I know believes that Jesus was born 1 AD, so why are we calling it AD?

CE and BCE are more accurate than AD and BC, that's why they are being used.

11:44 AM  

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