Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State Of The Union

The president gave his State of the Union address last night if you didn’t know. It wasn’t the greatest ever, but was refreshing. I’m glad he said what he did regarding the war, Iran and Hamas. I especially like how he addressed tyranny and that we cannot let it fester in some isolated part of the world. Our survival depends on liberty around the world. My favorite quote from him came when he was referring to the Democrats wanting a pull out of Iraq, he said, "There is no peace in retreat… and there is no honor in retreat." I loved that, so true it is. If we retreat we will show the entire world that we are weak and to take us over all our enemies have to do is propagandize a few liberals and we are fallen. I find it hard to believe that America is that, we are the ones who stood up a tyrannical monarchy 200 years ago; we faced a great civil war and overcame evil in our time. AMERICA DOES NOT GIVE UP! We cannot. I praise President Bush for what he has done, certain things I wish he would address more seriously, but I honestly believe that he is the right man, at the right time doing the right job that needs to be done.


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