Sunday, February 27, 2005

Dan’s Thought Of The Day

The United States landed a man on the Moon July 20, 1969. 1,600 years after the fall of the Roman Empire. This was a momentous point in human history and a pinnacle of space exploration. But think how long it has taken us, why didn’t any other society in the past achieve it? Why was it now, at this moment in time?

At the time of the Roman Empire's fall they were about as technologically advanced as we were when our nation began. They had sewage and water systems, a republic(though corrupted) form of government, and many other inventions to set them more advanced from others of their time. So with this, couldn't it be possible that if they were to have lasted possibly two hundred years longer, could they have set a man on the moon? Created the computer? Do heart transplants? Think about it, if they landed a man on the moon a thousand years earlier, where would we be today? That is some question!

So that begs to ask what lead to us to develop what we have; why were we so successful? Why us?! We went to the Moon because there was a space race against the USSR. But what developed the technology? I believe it was our free-enterprise system. Because of this free enterprise, we drive to develop bigger and better things. Better computers, better vehicles, better technology, all for the consumer, which means money. But due to the corruption of the Roman government and the exemption of free enterprise, they were stuck where they were, and eventually fell.

I have no point to this, I just thought how interesting it is to think where we could have been today if the Roman Empire was not so corrupted. Where will we be if our own corruption continues? This is something to think about.


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