Thursday, May 19, 2005

Tax Paid Circus Show

Is it just me, or has our judicial system become a circus show? Between Wacko Jacko's 2004-2005 World Court Tour to the Supreme court filibuster in the Senate, how is justice ever to be served? No wonder France laughs at us. We have Judges in Florida putting to death an innocent woman while another judge in Colorado over turns a death sentence of a murderer because the jurors referred to the Holy Bible in deliberations. I am really ashamed of this perverse interpretation of this once considered sacred document called the Constitution. It's ok to murder someone as long as the voices in your head told you to but if you say a prayer at a high school football game they want you locked up. Has our country gone MAD!? And let me just say that the 9th Circuit court of appeals is filled with Red Diaper Doper Babies from the motherland. (If anyone understood any part of that last sentence then they win my complete and utter respect and adoration.)
Wake up people! Your country is going down faster than a Twinkie in Michael Moore's hand! You must do something... now!


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