Monday, February 28, 2005

A Father Grieving

What happens when your own father undermines all that you've worked and died for to accomplish? What are your buddies to think when they hear that after you're dead your own father is belittling their efforts and sacrifices? That is where Marine Lance Cpl. Jesus Suarez Del Solar would be asking if he were with us today. Jesus Suarez died on March 27, 2003 in combat in Iraq.

His father, Fernando Suarez del Solar has done just that. Mr. Suarez is a major role in the anti-war community in San Diego; he speaks at all major peace events, and has even been to Iraq to report on all of the "wrong doings" of the US. But yet, I understand why he does this, though wrong.

Fernando is mourning the loss of his son and this is the only way he knows how too. He is mad that war took his son and needs someone to blame, and that someone is our President. Mr. Suarez, I give you my deepest condolences and sorrow for your lost, but I don't think you are being fair in how you are handling your grieving. Your son wanted to fight; fight for a country that he isn't even a citizen of. I think that is the noblest thing anyone can do. He saw the risk, here and abroad, and knew that he was going to war and that he may even die. Your son is a Hero, and I will never forget him and the many others who died for our freedoms. But you continue to protest what he was fighting for, don’t you see a little incongruence there Mr. Suarez? Saddam Hussein had and used WMD's in the past, on the Kurds. It is irrefutable that they exist, so that means that we were not wrong in going to Iraq to look for them. What, did they up and disappear, vanish? I doubt that. So we didn’t find them in Iraq yet, that doesn't meant they don’t exist, they are out there, someone has them. That scares me, a lot. Your son died so that our nation can look for those WMD's and make this world safer and a better place for the Iraqi people. I know what you reported when you went there, how they told you that they never asked to be liberated, but I feel that it is an obligation that America has to free the oppressed. It is in the Bible (Psalm 82:3-4), a book that our nation was founded on, it is what America is about, Freedom! The fact that Saddam has hid them where we can't find them means that we need to continue looking. But when you protest the efforts what good are you doing? You're not helping what your son died for, but just belittle it. But yet I understand so I give you pity. I truly am sorry for your lost, and the lost of all those who have had to burry a warrior. But please Mr. Suarez, rethink what you are doing; what would your son say today about your actions, would he approve of this? As a U.S. Marines I would have to say No!

Your son served this country, and I thank you, he will go down in history as a person who helped liberate Iraq. But Mr. Suarez, keep this in mind: the freedom you use to protest this war is the same freedom your son died for.

Jesus Suarez Del Solar


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