Monday, May 23, 2005

Tyraid #1

Homosexuality- Homosexuality is an abomination upon the Lord God. He hates the act, but not the person. Though the person partaking in it is a sinner. Now don't think that I am a homophobe, or that I hate homosexuals, I'm not and I don't. To me homosexuality is an act; it is the willful act(s) of sexual and lustful gratification with someone of the same sex. We all have sexual feelings, that is so we procreate and continue our existence, but it is meant to be between a married Man and Woman. Now if you don't find someone of the opposite sex that is ok. We all have to have companionship with a close person, but if that person is someone of the same gender then that is all right, you are just friends.. But when you turn that innocent companionship into acts of homosexuality then you are in the wrong and have tainted that friendship. I am a male, and I have many male friends that I am close too, but I don't have the feelings that I do towards a woman with them because one, I am not programmed that way, and two I know it's a sin. The same goes for heterosexual (straight) people; it is a sin for man and woman to have sex out of wedlock. Those two are acting on their sexual and lustful needs, but are sinning because God has commanded us to wait until holy matrimony. With this said, it brings me to my second point: condemning homosexuality is not a hate crime, it can't be. I know a few people who are very close to me and I love that are homosexuals; I don't hate them. I hate the acts they do, not them themselves. I don't care if you are born a homosexual or heterosexual, when you act in a sinful manner you are sinning. I don't know how else to say it. But don't say that I hate you, I don't.

Anno Domini- As of recently the time stamp to signify the era in which a year took place (B.C., A.D.) is in the process of being converted to C.E. and B.C.E. Why? Because our liberal system is afraid to offend those of non-Christian beliefs or anyone that doesn't like things to stay the way they have been for 2000 years. A.D. stands for "Anno Domini", "the year of the Lord." And B.C. is "Before Christ". But now it is slowly changing to C.E.-Common Era (a.k.a. A.D.) and B.C.E.-Before Common Era (a.k.a B.C.). This is stupid, every documentation of every event in history before our Lord's birth was recorded in A.D. or B.C. And now, 2000 years later, afraid of offending a few people they want to go and change the system. Does this mean that we now should go and erase the A.D. in the Constitution and every legal document henceforth; wouldn't that be more P.C? This is ridiculous, come on people; grow some common sense, please!
(Please don't send me hate mail for this, right now I am venting and just want to complain, thanks.)

More to come...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Must Read!

Read Me!...Read Me!...Read Me!...Read Me!...Read Me!...Read Me!...

Friends, faint acquaintances, foes, I highly recommend…no, I DEMAND that you read this essay here. I know its long, but you wont regret it. If you don't like politics oh well, it's that important. If you don't have an hour of your life to read it, oh well, it's that important. Even if you cannot read, oh well, it's THAT IMPORTANT! (Get someone to read it to you.) Am I getting across to you friends? Please, left, right, Dems, Reps, Libertarian, commie, it doesn't matter; this will change your opinion on some level and more than likely for the better. This article will show you what's wrong in this world and more. And after reading it and you think I have over hyped it, oh well; I got you to read it didn't I? And also read part 2. They go together.

If you do read it let me know. Thanks. And if you can't view it let me know; the best way to read it is to copy and past it into Word other word processing program and then print it out.

Thank you!

Read Me!...Read Me!...Read Me!...Read Me!...Read Me!...Read Me!...

Tax Paid Circus Show

Is it just me, or has our judicial system become a circus show? Between Wacko Jacko's 2004-2005 World Court Tour to the Supreme court filibuster in the Senate, how is justice ever to be served? No wonder France laughs at us. We have Judges in Florida putting to death an innocent woman while another judge in Colorado over turns a death sentence of a murderer because the jurors referred to the Holy Bible in deliberations. I am really ashamed of this perverse interpretation of this once considered sacred document called the Constitution. It's ok to murder someone as long as the voices in your head told you to but if you say a prayer at a high school football game they want you locked up. Has our country gone MAD!? And let me just say that the 9th Circuit court of appeals is filled with Red Diaper Doper Babies from the motherland. (If anyone understood any part of that last sentence then they win my complete and utter respect and adoration.)
Wake up people! Your country is going down faster than a Twinkie in Michael Moore's hand! You must do something... now!

Friday, May 13, 2005

Accusations Of Apprehensions

U.S. Border Patrol agents have been ordered not to arrest illegal aliens along the section of the Arizona border where protesters patrolled last month because an increase in apprehensions there would prove the effectiveness of Minuteman volunteers, The Washington Times has learned.Jerry Seper, The Washington Times 5/13/05

I don't want to come to any definite conclusion yet; reporters are known to get things wrong from time to time, but should the above be proven true then we have a serious threat to national security on our hands. I would like to think that this is just the culmination of a disgruntled employee, but really I wouldn't be surprised if this higher offical did in fact give this order. As of yet I have taken no stance regarding the validity of these accusations since I have no way of verifly the source. However, as more information is revealed it is my hope that an investigation will ensue and prompt action will be taken to eliminate this threat. Maybe with the help of the blogger community the truth will surface. Until then we can only hold our breaths and pray this isn't true.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Pablo Paredes

If you're not familiar with whom Pablo Paredes here is a short run down.

On December 6, 2004 Pablo Paredes, a Navy sailor (PO3) stood outside his ship, the USS Bonhomme Richard refusing to board as it deployed to the Persian Gulf. Why? Because Pablo felt it wrong to help transport Marines to fight an unjust and illegal war. The military thought differently and four months later on May 11, 2005 found him guilty of missing his ship for deployment, punishable by up to one year in prison.

I think that really Pablo just didn't want to be in the Navy anymore and wanted an easy way out, one that looked glorious. What's funny is the night before his trial there was a rally in support for Pablo held by many different antiwar groups around San Diego. This was not surprising since the antiwar movement in San Diego is using Pablo like a bus stop bathroom to further their futile movement. There they had speakers who were deserters themselves talking in support for Pablo and denouncing Bush and this war. What I found humorous was that I had attended this spectacle with CITIZEN SMASH, (who gives a more detailed account) as back up so that he could ask Pablo a few questions. One of which was "Is there such a thing as a just war? and should the U.S. military be disbanded? Pablo's response was: There is no such thing as ‘just war.' All militaries should be disbanded, and we should start with the world's largest (meaning us). Now, I know I have covered a ‘Just War' here on my blog, and my conclusion is that I too hate war but it's a part of us, it always has been since our beginning and it will till our end. But Pablo's answer I had to laugh at since if we did what he suggests every country that holds a grudge would annihilate us. But then again, I have to realize that this is coming from a coward, a person who never learned the meaning of commitment and honor. The speakers kept praising Pablo and the crowd kept clapping for him. It was really hard for me to not stand up and denounce this act of treason. But I kept my cool and respected them since I came into their place of worship. But I was consoled on my way home with the knowledge that deep down these people, no matter how hard they try will never win. They will be doing this for every war that the U.S. will ever enter but will never win because defending freedom and democracy here and around the world will always come out victorious. I really wish I could have asked them how they think we should have handled Hitler back in the day, but I think I know their answer… No War!

Pablo-Dec. 6

Saturday, May 07, 2005

My Favorite Bumper Sticker

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Me In Reciprocation

Last month I posted a blog about a student at McKay High School in Oregon who wasn’t allowed to post on the buliten board a photo of her brother serving in Iraq because he was holding his firearm out of uniform. I wrote the school board to be a responsible journalist and this was their answer:

Mr. Martinez,

Thank you for inquiring instead of accepting the reporting of the media
at large.

Prior to this story getting media attention, the district was already working cooperatively with the family to provide a picture that both parties felt would appropriately represent the job that our military is doing in Iraq. The picture that has been posted in the school is attached.

I have shared this information with all who have inquired. The following is an excerpt from an email sent by a father who has a son serving in Iraq.

"In reviewing the picture that you attached, I would agree that's it's infinitely better than the one that gathered all the initial attention and truly show's the positive intentions of our mission in Iraq. "Hats off" to you and the staff for working it out."

I hope you will share his feelings.


Well, I do apologize for pre-judging this school, but I still personally believe there was nothing wrong with the original photo that the young girl brought.

Photo I was sent by school district

Original photo